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Mobile Cloud Computing

Charvar’s Cloud Solutions incorporate all different types of mobile devices. Whether your laptop, tablet, or smart phone needs to access your data; we can help.

We support the integration of your mobile devices to help you gain access to your information from anywhere, anytime you need it.

Taking your IPad for a stroll? How about your Android Phone, Windows Phone, Blackberry…or wait, maybe you have an IPhone? Well don’t leave your data, apps or email behind! Today’s mobile devices combined with cloud technologies not only keep you in touch but keep your sensitive data accessible,"with the right tools and security measures almost anything is possible. We can show you how!" safe and secure; provided they are setup correctly and ready to perform at your will!

The benefits of making a great mobile device choice and having your tools working and ready when and where you need them can make your day to day life easier, more productive and provide some amazing advantages.phonepool

Take for example you need something as simple as directions, or perhaps you need to transfer money from one bank account to another, on the fly? What if you need to collaborate on some important documents you left at the office, or your away and need to make some quick edits to a file for a colleague who is getting ready for an important meeting?....No problem!

Cloud Computing and the incredible technologies available today make these scenarios easily remedied. With the right tools and security measures almost anything is possible. We can show you how!

So what happens if your phone, laptop, or tablet, gets lost or gets stolen? We all know these things can happen. With cloud technologies we can track many devices and even remotely remove sensitive data from the device, but more importantly your cloud-based data remains safe and secure. The best part is that once we replace the device, all of your information comes back to you, virtually instantly!

Charvar will unleash the true potential of your Mobile Cloud Computing experience. Mobile computing is cloud computing, so chances are you are already experiencing the benefits of the cloud. Our job is to see that you are taking full advantage of everything the cloud has to offer and that your data is available, secure and protected. Charvar’s Cloud Solutions will elevate your mobile computing experience and bring your business technologies to a new level of productivity!